List of Published Academic Papers
- ///////////////////////////// List of Papers Published /////////////////////////////
- P1 The impact of COVID-19 on Mauritius : A case study on how the Pandemic Affected Education in Mauritius in 2020-21
- P2 Academic Performance of Student in Physics subject at SC level during the past decade: Gender Perspective
- P3 An overview of the importance of Ethics in Educational Research as per International standards
- P4 Reliability and Internal Consistency of data: Significance of Calculating Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient in Educational Research
- P5 Dimension Reduction, Factor Analysis, Scree Plot in Educational Research and Academic Performance
- P6 Use of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological model as Pillars of Educational Research for hypothesis formulation
- P7 In Vivo Coding Qualitative Data Analysis methodology adapted, contextualized into 7 stages and applied to data from Interview, Focus Group and Case Study in School enterprises
- P8 Innovative leadership as a barrier to perceived traditional Nepotism and discrimination (NCFD) in promotions and recruitments at higher management level: A Case study at Reduit and Ebene Mauritius
- P9 “An Original Pentagon Approach: QUAN (Dimension reduction), QUAL (Coding), Experts opinion & Researcher’s Contribution designating Leadership”
- P10 Unpublished/Untaken Full Thesis 15.07.2022. Ph.D. : Title : Factors Affecting Performance of Students at SC level (2014-2022)
- P11 “Mediocre PhD supervision, intellectual property theft, Blackmail, & mockery: An overview of Positive leadership Qualities a supervisor must possess”